Friday 1 January 2016

Looking down on the Graves


And that's a year gone by, living above 'our' cemetery.  We had all the jokes about it being the dead centre of the city, the neighbours are dead quiet, people are dying to live here etc etc ad nauseam.  But the reality is that it's been not just peaceful, but surprisingly interesting as well.

With so many tree varieties out there the view changes greatly across the seasons.  There's the odd bit of wildlife as well, with many birds, a few squirrels and the occasional fox.  But it's human activities to the forefront.  Funerals of course, because it remains an active graveyard, visitors to gravesides and out of general interest (there's a historic memorial on the far wall), plus the people involved in the general upkeep of the place.

This is Rosebank Cemetery, just a mile or so to the north of the city centre, it's over a hundred and sixty years old, and I have to admit to finding it fascinating.  To illustrate the changes that tkae place over a twelve month period I'm kicking off a new weekly photo blog.  This will contain weekly pictures taken from our fifth floor vantage point - some standard views each week, then anything of additional interest I come across - so I can look back at this time next year and see how the sights from our windows advance across the course of 2016.

The new blog is called A Year in the Life.... of Death and I will be trying to post every Friday (or the nearest day possible if I'm away) throughout the year.  Do have a look if you think it might be interesting.  Or even if you don't.

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